

Join me,

Entering the Era of

Sustainable Development

Director of Corporate Communications for APPGM-SDG Secretariat and MySDG Academy

可持续发展管理实践者,拥有18年青年和社区发展经验 -

授予 【女青影响力奖】、【TEDx 演讲者】、【全球百大青年发展杰出项目统筹】

Practitioner in Sustainable Development Management & 18 Years in Youth and Community Empowerment

The Young Influencer Awardee, Tedx Speaker, 100 Excellence Actions for Global Youth Development Program Designer

Media featured.. 媒体报导

Zoel: Community & Sustainable Development Impact Projects Designer

Hey there! 👋😃 I'm Zoel Ng who leading the corperate communication department at the secretariat of APPGM-SDG and MySDG Academy. Since 2006, I've been diving headfirst into the world of community development. From being a special officer in youth development at the state office to working with the deputy minister in the federal government, I've played various roles, all centered around making creating an impact for social good. I've led over 50 community and youth development projects, partnering with more than 400 organizations. It's been a journey of incredible learning and networking.

Zoel 从2006年开始参与社区发展。曾担任州行政议员青年发展助理,后在中央政府担任副部长青年发展特别助理,而今则在可持续发展跨国会联盟(APPGM-SDG) 协助落实可持续发展目标。Zoel 策划超过50个社区与青年发展项目,合作单位超过 400 个,积累了丰富的经验与人脉。

Zoel毕业于 Sunway University可持续发展管理学硕士,从2022年开始为社区领袖与政府官员提供SDGs培训,合作单位包括国家公共行政学院(INTAN)、欧盟 (European Union)、联合国开发计划署(UNDP)。除了 SDGs,她也常受邀为企业讲解企业环境、社会、治理(ESG)。2023年,Zoel 被人力资源部委任为国家【可持续性合规】与【可持续报告】能力标准草案评估委员。  

A little about my academic background – I'm a proud alumnus of Sunway University, where I earned my Master's in Sustainable Development Management. Since 2022, I've been sharing my knowledge on SDGs with community leaders and government officials. My collaborations are wide and varied, including with INTAN, the European Union, and the UNDP.

In 2023, i have been appointed as a panel judge for national sustainability standards.

Zoel: Trainer for Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) and Sustainable Practices

About Zoel Ng 伍玥莹

Zoel Ng brings 18 years of experience in sustainable development and youth empowerment. She leads initiatives aligned with SDGs and has strong working relationships with UN Country Teams, NGOs, governments, think tanks, universities, and diverse communities.

She has collaborated with over 400 organizations, executing 50+ high-impact projects and providing 2,000+ training hours. Her services have been engaged by the National Institute of Public Administration, European Union, and UNDP.

Her curated project "The Malaysian Youth SDG Summit and Youth SDG Agents" was recognized as one of the 100 Global Excellent Youth Development Programs (2023) and received the Sustainability Award from GPM Malaysia (2024). Zoel was a TEDx speaker in 2019 and has been featured on various media platforms.

Zoel Ng拥有超过2,000小时的培训经验和可持续发展管理硕士学位,致力于社区和可持续发展已有18年。

作为HRDF讲师、Green Project Management-B Level认证持有者,以及自然语言处理(NLP)认证者,她的工作不仅限于可持续发展目标(SDGs),还包括企业的环境、社会和治理(ESG)议题。

她主导超过50个重要项目,包括《MySDG 国际会议》。《马来西亚青年可持续发展高峰会》和《青年SDG使者》,并与超过400家政府机构、非政府组织和国际组织广泛合作。

近年来,Zoel代表马来西亚出席了多个国际论坛,如 2024 及联合国民间社会组织会议, 2023年中国世界青年发展论坛和2022年美国可持续发展目标高级政治论坛,这些经历让她受益匪浅。



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