Key Social Impact Projects


2016 发现伍连德思想走廊

This was an event designed and coordinated for the Penang Chinese New Year Carnival in 2016. It aimed to immerse the audience in six life scenarios experienced by Dr. Wu Lien-teh through auditory, visual, and tactile sensations. Dr. Wu Lien-teh, a Penangite, was the first Chinese person to be nominated for a Nobel Prize. During the plague, he bravely utilized scientific methods, which were not widely accepted in the Chinese world at the time, to save many lives. Through this activity, I hope to inspire the public to boldly break boundaries and realize their dreams.



Discover the Dr. Wu Lien-teh Interactive Exhibition

2016 EYP 青年活动中心

This is a project in collaboration with state assembly member (current Penang executive councilor) YB Lim Siew Khim, aimed at providing a space for teenagers to socialize and learn.We revamped a vacant second floor, adding classrooms and restrooms and invited artists to paint murals. The space has since hosted ukulele, painting, public speaking, and career preparation courses. After I left the Penang state government, the program continued to thrive under the leadership of YB's team.

这是与州议会成员(现任槟州行政议员)YB 林秀琴服务中心合作的项目,旨在为青少年们提供一个交友与学习空间。我们翻新了一个空置的二楼空间,增加了教室和厕所,并邀请了艺术家们来画壁画。该空间初期所举办的活动包括尤克里里、绘画、大众演说与职常准备培训。在 Zoel 离开槟城州政府后,该计划在YB 林的团队带领下继续蓬勃发展。

EYPX SUNGAI Pinang Youth Development Center

2019 启迪计划

Program Inspirasi Anak Muda

The "IAM" program collaborates with one of the top 50 psychologists in the world, Prof. Cecilia A. Essau, and local child psychologist Ms. Priscilla Ho. Researchers found that a primary reason youths experience anxiety or depression is a lack of life skills. 700 marginalized youths were involved in the pilot stage, and the results were encouraging. It was supposed to expand nationwide. However, due to the political shift after the Sheraton Move incident, the project was shelved.

启迪计划是和世界50大心理学家 Prof Cecelia Essau 及本地儿童心理学家 Prisila Ho 合作的项目。通过研究发现,孩子们的心理出些焦虑或自卑的其中一个主因是因为缺乏生存技能。启迪计划在初期的对象是49所来自各地的700多位边缘青少年,主要教导他们8个超级生活技能,具体操作可查阅。

这项目在初次落实便见成效,原本计划扩大全马推行,但后来因喜来登事件换了政府,失去了官职,从此搁置。我们将原本英文素材翻译成了中文及马来文版。谢谢马来文补习天王 李主福为我们的翻译通宵校对。



The "SDG Malaysia Youth Summit," inspired by Prof. Datuk Denison Jayasooria, debuted online in 2021 with support from the United Nations Country Team, Malaysian Youth Council, and 30 other organizations, drawing over 900 registrants and 36 speakers. By 2022, it shifted to an in-person event, backed by the Youth and Sports ministry, becoming a highlight of Malaysia Youth Day. It gained media attention, including a feature on TV1's "Selamat Pagi Malaysia." The platform spotlights Malaysian youth contributions to sustainable development, with speakers as young as 11. Data collected from the summit led to two published papers and an invitation to speak at Brunei's Prime Minister's Office on youth involvement in sustainability.

SDG 马来西亚青年高峰会是在 Prof Datuk Denison Jayasooria 鼓励之下设计的一个项目。首次推出是在2021年,疫情期间,通过线上执行。支持单位包括联合国驻马部门、马来西亚青年委员会及其它30多个单位。900多人报名,并有超过36位讲员。

2022 年转为线下举办,并加入了青年体育部为支持单位,此项目也成了2022年马来西亚青年日的重点项目之一。多个媒体给予了报导,并受邀到 TV1 Selamat Pagi Malaysia 分享。 这平台主要价值是展示马来西亚青年在可持续发展方面的杰出表现。我们运用这个项目所收集到的数据,发表了2篇论文。Zoel 也在联合国驻马大使Ms Karima的推荐下被邀请给文莱首相署分享如何推动青年参与可持续发展。

The Malaysian Youth SDG Summit 2022



The 3rd Malaysian Youth SDG Summit, celebrated as one of the '100 Excellence Actions for Global Youth Development,' received an invitation to the 2023 World Youth Development Forum in Beijing. More than just an event, this movement, led by young leaders from the Malaysian Peninsula and Borneo, promotes social entrepreneurship, storytelling, and advocacy for marginalized groups. Interactive booths highlight Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) through VR exploration and offer insights into Orang Asli culture and the life experiences of people with disabilities. Supported by over 36 organizations, including the UN Country Team, the Malaysian Ministry of Youth and Sports, the International Youth Center, the Malaysia Olympians Association, and the Malaysia CSO-SDG Alliance, this summit marks the beginning of a youth-led journey toward a sustainable Malaysia.


The Malaysian Youth SDG Summit 2023

SDG青年代表 2023/2024

Youth SDG Agent

“Youth SDG Agents" is a revolutionary program designed to help young people connect with their local communities and parliamentary members, taking action through the lens of the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs), with a focus on inclusive and equitable quality education. This participatory approach allows youth to share their perspectives on achieving SDGs within their respective communities. Our training modules include: organizing localized SDG workshops, community issue mapping, creating micro-solutions, participating in policy advocacy, building relationships with local council members, leaders, communities, and other stakeholders, as well as participating in international forums. All participants are between the ages of 18 and 30

《Youth SDG Agents》是一个革命性的计划,旨在帮助青年人与他们的当地社区、议会成员建立联系,并通过SDG的视角采取行动,重点关注包容性和公平的优质教育。这种参与式方法使青年可以分享他们对各自社区中实现SDGs目标的看法。我们的培训内容包括:组织本地化的SDG工作坊、进行社区问题绘制、制定微型解决方案、参与政策宣导、与当地议员、领导者、社区和其他利益相关者建立联系及参与国际论坛。所有的参与者都是介于 18-30岁。

2024 SDG X


2024 SDG X Young Politician Workshop

“Youth SDG Agents" is a revolutionary program designed to help young people connect with their local communities and parliamentary members, taking action through the lens of the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs), with a focus on inclusive and equitable quality education. This participatory approach allows youth to share their perspectives on achieving SDGs within their respective communities. Our training modules include: organizing localized SDG workshops, community issue mapping, creating micro-solutions, participating in policy advocacy, building relationships with local council members, leaders, communities, and other stakeholders, as well as participating in international forums. All participants are between the ages of 18 and 30

[SDG x 青年政治领袖工作坊]旨在提升青年政治领袖对于永续发展目标 的认知并将它整合到政治领域中。这工作坊提供一个平台给各党青年,互相理解、交流并对国家发展进行和平与有建设性的商讨。项目重点聚焦于SDG 16:和平、正义与健全的制度,以及 SDG 17:实现目标的伙伴关系,以便这两个核心概念得以在不同政治圈子中发芽。该工作坊概念由 APPGM-SDG 主席 Isnaraissah Munirah binti Majilis @ Fakharudy 议员提出,并由我带领的团队落实与推动。

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