International Key Involvements


2024 The UN Civil Society Conference

3 - 10 May, 2024 , Kenya

The United Nations Civil Society Conference is the premier event on the civil society calendar at the United Nations. This prestigious gathering provides civil society organizations with a platform to address global issues, drawing together senior UN officials, leading international civil society organizations, youth changemakers, academia, public opinion leaders, and international media. During this period of visit, Zoel had the honor of engaging in dialogues with local youth leaders and visiting community building projects in underserved areas enriching her understanding and commitment to these crucial efforts.


MySDG International Conference 2024

27th and 28th of January, 2024, Malaysia

The event was proudly supported by the Asian Solidarity Economy Council (ASEC).In my role as conference director, I monitored the planning, organization, and execution of this international conference, ensuring its smooth operation and successful outcome.

【2024 年国际可持续发展目标大会】是延续年在古晋、哥打基纳巴路和哥打峇鲁举办的三场地区会议的收官之作。大会以“通过可持续发展目标和社会团结经济 (SSE) 倡议建设包容性社区”为主题汇聚了来自 15 个不同国家的 120 多名参与者,其中包括 40 位杰出的论文贡献者。

这大会也很荣幸地获得亚洲团结经济委员会 (ASEC) 大力支持。作为大会总监,我的任务是监督了此次国际会议的策划、组织和执行,确保其顺利运作并取得圆满成功。

The MySDG International Conference 2024, culminating a series of three successful regional conferences held in 2023 across Kuching, Kota Kinabalu, and Kota Bharu. The international conference brought together over 120 participants, including 40 esteemed paper contributors from 15 different countries. Themed "Building Inclusive Communities through SDGs and SSE initiatives," the conference featured four keynote addresses on critical areas: grounded research, social and community work, and the social solidarity economy (SSE).

2023 - Global Pluralism Monitoring Report Malaysia Stakeholders Engagement

25 August- 9 September 2023 in Malaysia

I'm the project manager to lead a dynamic research team from the Canadian delegation. Our mission is to bring the "Global Diversity Monitoring Report" to life in Malaysia, it was an adventure filled with inspiring dialogues and rich insights!

In just two weeks, under the expert guidance of Prof Datuk Dr. Denison, we embarked on a whirlwind tour of 21 engagement sessions. We met with everyone – government ministers, officials, brilliant academics, influential community leaders, energetic youth, and the heart of our communities, the grassroots. Each session was an opportunity to dive deep into the local perspective, ensuring that Malaysia's unique and authentic voice was echoed on the global stage.

As a project manager, I was at the center of bridging gaps, connecting dots, and witnessing the power of collective voices shaping a global narrative.

这是由加拿大代表团组成的研究团队,来马的主要任务是与利益相关者进行交流并视察“全球多元化监测报告” 的准确度并获取反馈。Zoel 作为这项目经理,主要职责是促进利益相关者之间的有效对话。 在团队与 Prof Datuk Dr Denison指导和协助下,我们在2星期内安排了多达21场交流,当中了包括与政府部长、官员、学者、社区领袖、青年和基层社等,交流中也确保纳入性别平等与表缘社群代表。这区域活动旨在确保马来西亚的真实性在全球平台上得以体现。

The HLPF is the main UN platform on sustainable development. It has a central role in the follow-up and review of implementation of the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development and its Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs). Zoel was given the pass as Malaysia adviser and atteded the full meeting in United Nation HQ, New York

联合国永续发展高阶政治论坛主要功能是跟进和审查2030年可持续发展议程及其落实中的力度。Zoel 在这次会议中被赋予马来西亚顾问身份,出席了全场会议,包括部长会议,也拜访了马来西亚驻美国大使。

July 5-15, 2022 in New York City, United State.

2022 - High-Level Political Forum on Sustainable Development

这亚太区区域青年大会 (RCOY) 是由 YOUNGO(联合国气候变化框架公约的青年代表团)举办,主要目的是收集青年的意见和声音,以便在2023联合国水会议和第27届联合国气候变化大会  (COP27) 上进行传达。

2022 -
Regional Conferences of the Youth 

9-13 August in Ormoc City, Philippines

Regional Conferences of the Youth (RCOY) is the regional conference by YOUNGO (the Youth Constituency of the UNFCCC) to collect the ideas and voice of the youth to be carried forward to UNFCCC COP. This is a preparatory event for the UN 2023 Water Conference and the 27th UN Climate Change Conference of Parties (COP27).

The 2023 World Youth Development Forum

October 30 to November 1, 2023, in Beijing

The 2023 World Youth Development Forum held in the vibrant city of Beijing from October 30 to November 1, 2023, this forum was a melting pot of ideas and innovation. With the theme "Youth Strength for Solidarity and Innovation: Striving Together for Sustainable Development," it was more than just an event - it was a movement.

This incredible forum was a direct result of President Xi Jinping's commitment made at the High-level Dialogue on Global Development back on June 24, 2022. It was all about pulling together our collective strengths to make the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development a reality. And guess what? Our very own "Malaysian Youth SDG Summit and Agents" project was in the spotlight! We made it to the list of the top 100 excellent youth development projects. 🥳

2023年世界青年发展论坛于2023年10月30日至11月1日在北京举行,不仅仅是一个活动——它是一场运动。以“青年力量促进团结与创新:共同努力实现可持续发展”为主题,汇聚了来自世界各地的想法和创新精神。 这论坛是习近平主席在2022年6月24日的全球发展高层对话上作出承诺的直接成果。论坛的目标是为了实现2030年可持续发展议程,汇聚全球青年力量。我们的“马来西亚青年SDG峰会和使者”项目受到了关注,成功跻身全球顶尖的100个杰出青年发展项目之列。🌍✨


7&8 November 2022 in UN ESCAP , Bangkok, Thailand

South-East Asia Multi-Stakeholder Forum on Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) bringing together governments, development partners, civil society, academia, the private sector, and other amazing stakeholders to share unique perspectives from our subregion, brainstorm collaborative solutions for our shared priorities, and swap inspiring success stories to rock the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development. The outcomes and recommendations from our discussions are feeding into regional and global powerhouses like the annual Asia-Pacific Forum for Sustainable Development (APFSD) and the High-Level Political Forum on Sustainable Development (HLPF).

2022 - The South-East Asia Multi-Stakeholder Forum
2021 - The Young Asian Voices

June 12, 2021 via online.

The Young Asian Voices 1.0 for 'The United Nations We Need' provides a platform for youths from Asian countries to discuss on their role in this reformation. 80 young leaders from 16 countries attended online. As the project director, my responsibility is to assemble the youths, offer a safe platform for discussion, and submit the report to C4UN.

这项目主要为亚洲青年领袖提供一个安全的商议平台,探讨青年们在【我们所需要的联合国】中可扮演什么角色。 80名来自16个国家的青年代表参加了此次线上会议。Zoel 作为这项目统筹,主要负责聚集青年领袖们,并将讨论报告提交给C4UN。

2019 - 54th ASEAN Young Leaders’ Training Program

May 6 to June 2, 2019 in Beijing and Guangxi, China.

The ASEAN Youth Leadership Training Program initiated by the China Youth Federation, aiming to strengthen China-ASEAN relations and foster trust among the youth. The theme for 2019 was "Bridge to the Future". Zoel served as the leader of the Malaysian delegation in this training and represented the country at the Asian Civilization Dialogue Conference, meeting with President Xi Jinping and other world leaders.

这是由中国青年联合会发起的东盟青年领导培训项目。2019年主题为“未来之桥”,Zoel 在这次培训中担任马来西亚代表团领导,并代表国家出席了亚洲文明对话大会;与习近平主席和其他世界领袖们会面。

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